Sunday, October 21, 2007

25th Reunion history! (Fri)

10-27-07 Wow, what a fantastic 25th reunion! It was great to see everyone that was there (and for those who weren't, we talked about you guys! LOL!) Seriously, if you didn't make it, you probably missed the best 25th reunion ever planned in the history of AA. Kudos to Mike C., Kevin, their spouses Myrna and Arlyn, and the rest of the local gang who helped them plan this for the rest of us. You guys did a fantastic job and created memories we will never forget.

While we thanked Mike in person there, I wanted to thank the SPOUSES of our classmates who were there. They were real troopers while the rest of us spent hours chatting and catching up. We should have acknoledged you guys in person there, so hopefully this will do.

These are the pictures I took. Since I had to return home early, I didn't get the brunch, so if someone can send me those pictures, I'll add them in. If you have pictures you'd like to add, send them to me (either in 640x480 resolution or on a CD and I'll reduce them) and I can add it into the blog entries. I'm going to break it up into Fri., Sat., and Sun. so it'll be easier to organize the pictures.

It sure gave me a foretaste of what heaven will be like...but we'll never have to leave to catch a plan or go back to work!!! Nor will we have to be concerned about the cost and if everyone paid or not. It's all paid for and free to us!!!

Those who were there vowed to keep in touch, and this blog will continue to grow as we share what we're doing. We will also do our best to get the others in here, even fi they didn't go to the reunion, so if you still have to send me your pixs and bio, send away! It's never too late. ;-)

Hope ya'll had as good a time as I did!


The Alumni Weekend started off with the Convocation and Career Day seminar on Friday. Here Betty is about to sing for special music. Just prior, yours truly led out in the Pledge of Allegience.

Some of our class on the platform.

Hector giving his reflections..."Have fun!" Mike and Kenny, along with Dr. O, listening in the background.
Mike shares his pearls of wisdom from his academy days. Something about how to collect as many white cards as you can....
Then in what seemed like an impromptu interview, Dr. O started interviewing different alumni. Here he's asking Kenny some questions.
Kenny then took the camera from my hand and shot these pictures as Dr. O interviewed me.
Kenworth and Philip prepare to enjoy the delicious lunch for all the Career Day speakers, sponsored by Dana Wales Financial and Associates.
Dr. O thanks all the speakers; Lynda can been seen sitting here next to Mr. Anderson, who looks almost like he did 25 years ago!

Check out her racing site on her blog entry!

Can you believe that amid the thunder clouds and the wind, a few of us still played golf that Friday afternoon? Loved the computer monitors and GPS in the golf if they just had RFID golf balls so we could find our ball amid the leaves on the course....LOL!

Kevin is cool under the pressure of those watching behind. You can tell he has done this before!

Check out this approach onto the green by Dr. Nowack! Impressive!

Later that Friday evening, we gathered for the first time at the Lodge. Mike and Kevin where there to greet us as we came in. They had nice displays set up of each of our years from, creatively made by Arlyn. See if you can recognize the various alum here in these pictures.
Ron did a great job in putting the slide show together for us. What memories!!!

A yummy Mexican catered meal!

The slide show was a blast down memory lane. Remember who that filipino guy was who wore all those mesh shirts, like in this picture???

Special kudos to all the spouses of alumni who were there!
After a long night of catching up and socializing, our first get-together was over. Stay tuned for Sabbath's events next!

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